Sunday, August 13, 2006

Week 6 Report (and week 5)


Poker Play: +$72
Casino Bonuses: +$38

Total: +$110

I've got a headache so I'll only make this a short report. I ran pretty well this week with poker. I played about 630 hands total for the week, which included 3hrs on wednesday and 4hrs on Saturday. I won about 10 bucks on wednesday and the rest on Saturday. I played two tables simultaneously on Sat like a used to which seems like a good step in the right direction. I went really well and I was actually up over all at one point on saturday, but I fell back down a bit near the end of the day. Poker patterns shows me running at 5.8 BB/100 which is great. I'm only down by about $30 over all now, so the zero line is near.

Pretty slow week in terms of casino bonuses. Just finished off the players only bonus, for a profit of $38. Also started the Intercasino monthly bonus for August. Check out this graph below showing my casino bonus winnings over total hours played, Enjoy!

Week 5 Report


Poker Play: +$30

Casino Bonuses: +$130

Total: +$160

This week started off really well for poker, I was digging myself out of my hole well and it looked like it was going to be a good week. Then came saturday morning... I exploded into poker and was hitting heaps of hands... by about lunch I was up 70 bucks for the day, and 120 for the week. In hope of continuing my good form I played saturday afternoon and experienced one of the worst losing streaks i've ever experienced. I detailed the carnage in my previous post, all in all I finished the day even. I then proceeded to lose another 20 bucks today, and finished up 30 for the week. Although I'm happy that I was able to finish with a profit which was cool. Looking at my pokerpatterns graphs for the week, I made 1.6 BB/ 100- so thats something to be happy with. My casino bonuses week was much more solid. I played only one bonus, private casino and finished up with a profit of 130 bucks. I also started another bonus. I compiled a graph of my casino bonus winnings per hour which I promised to post here but I don't know how to post graphs so I'll dot it another time. I was pretty pleased to find that I'm running at an average of $36 per hour over a period of about 60 hours play. I've also now played over 15000 hands of blackjack for bonuses. In other news, I'm thinking of starting a bit of an affiliate bonus on the side with this blog. I'll look into it soon.


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