Sunday, August 20, 2006

Week 7 Report


Poker Play: -$85
Casino Bonuses: +$155*

Total: +$60*

*Edit 28/8: casino bonus profit turned out to be less than reported above due to lower exchange rate applied to cashout than deposit.

It's late so I'll try and keep this post short. I had a pretty terrible poker week this week. I played on three days in the week and was a considerable loser on two and a small winner on the other one. I'm glad that I was able to get so many hands in this week, about 1100, largely due to the fact that I've been playing two tables at once but helped by the fact that I played a lot of hours also.

I racked up a loss of about $75 on wednesday, added a further $45 loss on saturday, to be in the hole by $120. Sunday morning I won $20, then I had a nice run Sunday arvo, and brought the total loss for the week down to only about $50, however I ran into 3 big hands in a row and dropped most of my profits unfortunately. Oh well, swings are all part of poker. Poker patterns shows my at losing 3.8 BB/100 for the week.

Casino Bonuses:

Intercasino Monthly: +$79
Littlewoods Monthly: +$4.50
UK Betting Monthly: +$83

Total: $166.50

I had a pretty good week with the montly crypto's, I'll detail my play better in the casino bonuses thread when I finally get round to updating it. I've just got the Will Hill montly casino and poker bonus to play, then a new bonus I just learnt about which is pretty juicy... then finally It'll be time to hit the video poker bonuses which will make a nice change.


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