Sunday, August 27, 2006

Week 8 Report


Poker Play: -$34
Poker bonus: +$43
BJ Bonus: +$63
Video Poker Bonus: -$196

Total: -$124

Its late so I'm just going to make this a short report. I didn't play a lot of poker this week as I had a lot of uni work to do. I just played the for about 3 hours on saturday morning to clear the monthly poker bonus at Will Hill. I played about 300 hands and finished down 34 on poker play, but up 43 from the poker bonus, so a small profit.

The only BJ bonus I played this week was the Will Hill monthly, and I finished with a profit of 63 bucks. I also took the first steps into playing video poker bonuses this weekend. I didn't start too well however. I played two bonuses, and lost my bonus and deposits at both:

Royal Vegas: -$100
Sterling House: -$96

Total loss: -$196

I've got a number of video poker bonuses to hit up this week, so hopefully I'll do better with those.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Week 7 Report


Poker Play: -$85
Casino Bonuses: +$155*

Total: +$60*

*Edit 28/8: casino bonus profit turned out to be less than reported above due to lower exchange rate applied to cashout than deposit.

It's late so I'll try and keep this post short. I had a pretty terrible poker week this week. I played on three days in the week and was a considerable loser on two and a small winner on the other one. I'm glad that I was able to get so many hands in this week, about 1100, largely due to the fact that I've been playing two tables at once but helped by the fact that I played a lot of hours also.

I racked up a loss of about $75 on wednesday, added a further $45 loss on saturday, to be in the hole by $120. Sunday morning I won $20, then I had a nice run Sunday arvo, and brought the total loss for the week down to only about $50, however I ran into 3 big hands in a row and dropped most of my profits unfortunately. Oh well, swings are all part of poker. Poker patterns shows my at losing 3.8 BB/100 for the week.

Casino Bonuses:

Intercasino Monthly: +$79
Littlewoods Monthly: +$4.50
UK Betting Monthly: +$83

Total: $166.50

I had a pretty good week with the montly crypto's, I'll detail my play better in the casino bonuses thread when I finally get round to updating it. I've just got the Will Hill montly casino and poker bonus to play, then a new bonus I just learnt about which is pretty juicy... then finally It'll be time to hit the video poker bonuses which will make a nice change.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Week 6 Report (and week 5)


Poker Play: +$72
Casino Bonuses: +$38

Total: +$110

I've got a headache so I'll only make this a short report. I ran pretty well this week with poker. I played about 630 hands total for the week, which included 3hrs on wednesday and 4hrs on Saturday. I won about 10 bucks on wednesday and the rest on Saturday. I played two tables simultaneously on Sat like a used to which seems like a good step in the right direction. I went really well and I was actually up over all at one point on saturday, but I fell back down a bit near the end of the day. Poker patterns shows me running at 5.8 BB/100 which is great. I'm only down by about $30 over all now, so the zero line is near.

Pretty slow week in terms of casino bonuses. Just finished off the players only bonus, for a profit of $38. Also started the Intercasino monthly bonus for August. Check out this graph below showing my casino bonus winnings over total hours played, Enjoy!

Week 5 Report


Poker Play: +$30

Casino Bonuses: +$130

Total: +$160

This week started off really well for poker, I was digging myself out of my hole well and it looked like it was going to be a good week. Then came saturday morning... I exploded into poker and was hitting heaps of hands... by about lunch I was up 70 bucks for the day, and 120 for the week. In hope of continuing my good form I played saturday afternoon and experienced one of the worst losing streaks i've ever experienced. I detailed the carnage in my previous post, all in all I finished the day even. I then proceeded to lose another 20 bucks today, and finished up 30 for the week. Although I'm happy that I was able to finish with a profit which was cool. Looking at my pokerpatterns graphs for the week, I made 1.6 BB/ 100- so thats something to be happy with. My casino bonuses week was much more solid. I played only one bonus, private casino and finished up with a profit of 130 bucks. I also started another bonus. I compiled a graph of my casino bonus winnings per hour which I promised to post here but I don't know how to post graphs so I'll dot it another time. I was pretty pleased to find that I'm running at an average of $36 per hour over a period of about 60 hours play. I've also now played over 15000 hands of blackjack for bonuses. In other news, I'm thinking of starting a bit of an affiliate bonus on the side with this blog. I'll look into it soon.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bonus Swindling

Bonus Swinding, also known as: Bonus Whoring, Bonus Hustling and Bonus Hunting

I've had many people ask me how on earth I can MAKE money from online casinos, so I decided to write it all down. You can navigate through the guides and lists from this page as a sort of base page, and feel free to check out the rest of the blog through the links in the sidebar. The relatively low risk money to be made is good for building up a poker bankroll, which is what I'm doing.

Bonus Swindling Guide

Bonus Swindling Guide: Summary

Casino Bonus List

Casino Bonuses I've Played

Helpful Site Links


Poker Video Directory

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I just thought that I'd post a summary of how my day of poker went. I played around 5-6 hours of poker, got through about 300 hands, and finished up with a result of.... even. Thats right, my high point of the day was up by over $90 and I managed to finish up back EVEN!!! the first half of the day went really well, and the 2nd half went really badly. To be fair, I think I played pretty well, but just got unlucky. Obviously there are some holes in my game which I will work at fixing up.

The kind variance I experienced today is just what I'm gonna have to expect if I'm gonna be playing a lot of poker, so I better get used to it. As I said in my previouse post, the effects are compounded because I so badly want to get out of the hole I'm in and actually rack up some kind of profit. Now I need to win anouth $80 to get back to even, instead of under $10 which is where I would have been had I mainted my highest point for the day, oh well... that poker. According to pokerpatterns/poker tracker I'm at around 3BB/100 for the week, so thats something I should be happy about.

I'd like to play a fair amount tomorrow too, however I do have some uni stuff to attend to so I'll see how I go and write up the weekly report tomorrow night.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Welcome to Variance

Variance kicks my ass! I've experienced variance playing casino bonuses, I worked it out last night, I've played over 15000 hands of blackjack to unlock bonuses. You would think that I would have gotten the hand of it and been able to handle the swings rigth? Its not the case; I'm now experiencing variance in poker and it still kicks my ass. However, I think that I am becoming more resilient.

Let me explain the situation, I've been finding that when I play somedays, and I get ahead I am compelled to stop playing in order to "protect" the money I have won, which of course is rubbish but I still do it. That is I'm sort of scared of the variance that I know to expect. Anyway, I decided that I'd put in a solid day today, win or lose, just try and get the hours in. I've played about 350-400 hands thus far and experienced some pretty heavy swings. I think it was compounded, because I so badly want to get myself out of this hole that I'm in and I came so close to doing it. I was up to the point where I was down by only about 8 bucks. I had won about 50 bucks in like 20 mins/ half an hour. Then I got cained and lost 40 bucks in no time, some big hands including losing trip kings to a rivered gutshot straight, and losing trip 2's to a rivered straight, (although he may have been getting odds) but still bad for me.

I took a break for fear of going on tilt, played dad in some table tennis... kicked his ass 9 games to 1, and now I'm back at it. Sitting at around down 40 bucks over all. Tomorrow I'll have the weekly report, if I manage to get back in the black by then I'll post a pokerpatterns graph, if not I won't. I'll definately post a graph of my casino bonus winnings so far which a made up last night, till then, toodaloo.